WAGNER L600 Series Carrying Case

RM 0.00


L600 Series Ruggedized Carrying Case

WAGNER L600 Series Carrying Case is a very high-quality, ruggedized carrying case for our L601-3, L620, and L622 handheld moisture meters. This foam-lined WAGNER L600 Series Carrying Case for will provide great protection for the investment of your Wagner moisture meters.


Wagner Industrial Hand-Held Moisture Meters

A very high-quality, ruggedized carrying case for our L601-3, L620, and L622 handheld moisture meters. You can scan more wood faster using the rugged L600 series of moisture meters that are ideal for harsh, industrial environments.

These meters are engineered for deeper readings that prevent you from missing problematic moisture gradients and higher moisture levels in the core of the wood. Plus check out the stack probe accessory for reaching wood inside the stack where high moisture exists/lurks.


Additional information

Weight 2 kg