CANNON Manning Vacuum Viscometer (Reversed Flow)

RM 0.00



ASTM D2171

The Cannon-Manning Vacuum Viscometer measures the viscosity of highly viscous materials according to ASTM D2171. Minimum sample volume is 6 mL. Minimum bath depth is 180 mm (7.1 in). Viscometers are provided with a certificate of calibration and instruction sheet. Permanently attached round metal holders are included or may be ordered separately.

Cannon-Manning Vacuum Viscometers

Catalog Number Size Approximate Constant
(poise/sec at 300 mm Hg)
Viscosity Range
without holder with holder† Bulb B Bulb C Low High
9724-H50 9724-L50 4 0.002 0.0006 0.036 0.8
9724-H53 9724-L53 5 0.006 0.002 0.12 2.4
9724-H56 9724-L56 6 0.02 0.006 0.36 8.0
9724-H59 9724-L59 7 0.06 0.02 1.2 24
9724-H62 9724-L62 8 0.2 0.06 3.6 80
9724-H65 9724-L65 9 0.6 0.2 12 240
9724-H68 9724-L68 10 2.0 0.6 36 800
9724-H71 9724-L71 11 6.0 2.0 120 2400
9724-H74 9724-L74 12 20 6.0 360 8000
9724-H77 9724-L77 13 60 20 1200 24000
9724-H80 9724-L80 14 200 60 3600 80000

† Round holder is compatible with a 51 mm (2 in) diameter port

Additional information

Weight 1 kg

9724-H50, 9724-H53, 9724-H56, 9724-H59, 9724-H62, 9724-H65, 9724-H68, 9724-H71, 9724-H74, 9724-H77, 9724-H80, 9724-L50, 9724-L53, 9724-L56, 9724-L59, 9724-L62, 9724-L65, 9724-L68, 9724-L71, 9724-L74, 9724-L77, 9724-L80